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Self Assessment

The Head Check

The Head Check is designed to help you gain insight into what Cogent services you may benefit from.

Cogent Self-Assessment

By answering a series of simple questions, you can identify areas where you may need guidance or support.
Please note, this tool is not a diagnosis, but a helpful first step towards making informed decisions.

1. Formal Assessment Required

Do you require a formal report/assessment or diagnoses (whether for school, work, court purposes, or to access specific medications)?

2. Prior Psychological Referral

Have you been referred specifically to a Clinical Psychologist by your Primary Care Physician?

3. Current Mental Health Diagnosis

Are you currently diagnosed with any mental health conditions for which you are seeking therapy today?


What area(s) of support are you looking for? (Multiple Selection)

5. Appointment preferences

What is most important to you?

The Head Check Results:

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