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Get The Facts

Frequently Asked Questions

It is important to do your research.

Whether you are looking for psychological services for yourself or a loved one, you can find the answers to your questions here.


Do you offer virtual or in-person sessions?

Both. We serve all of Ontario through secure virtual therapy sessions and in-person appointments at our Guelph office.
Access is quick and straightforward with online appointment booking and no wait lists.

Do I need a referral to see a therapist at this clinic?

No. All our services are self-referred. You can create a profile on the Client Portal and book an appointment.

How do I book an appointment?

Appointments can be booked online through our secure client portal, here.

What can I expect during my first session?

First sessions are all about building rapport and getting a general sense of client needs and expectations. This builds towards treatment formulation. Often, initial assessment tools (as required) are sent as homework following the first session.

How many sessions will I need?

Depends. Every person and concern is different. Psychological assessments often require 2-3 sessions, where structured psychotherapy (e.g. CBT for depression) often requires 8-12.

I want to perform better at work, at the gym, or in my relationships. Can you help?

Yes. Psychological science is not only applied to areas of difficulty, but can also be applied to improving performance across life domains. Specific areas of study and therapeutic interventions (e.g. Positive Psychology or MAC approach to sport performance) can be adapted to a number of applications.

Support & Resources

Can therapy help me improve my relationship with my loved ones?

Yes, psychotherapy has been shown in multiple studies to be effective in increasing relationship satisfaction.

Can I have my partner attend therapy sessions with me?

Yes. With your consent, anyone can attend your sessions. This is often very helpful for your therapist to better understand the context and impact of your concerns and progress.

What if I don’t feel comfortable talking to my support system about my mental health?

Your therapy is absolutely confidential. However, engaging your supporters in the process is most often helpful.

Do you offer any online resources or self-help tools?

Your therapist may recommend any number of appropriate homework exercises, which could include online resources or books. Consult our Resources page for a number of our own tools.

What should I do if I need urgent help between sessions?

Between sessions you can contact your therapist via our secure messaging feature on the Client Portal. However, we do not offer crisis care. If you are in crisis, please visit your closest emergency room or call 911.

Privacy & Confidentiality

How confidential is my therapy?

All personal information is stored in accordance with the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 (PHIPA). All client contact is kept rigorously confidential. We keep paperless offices, and keep no identifying client information outside of our practice management software.

For more detail about digital safety features of our practice management software, consult Owl Practice.

Who has access to my therapy records?

Only your therapist and their clinical supervisor can access your records.

Can my therapist share information with others, like my doctor or family members?

At your request, your therapist will share your information with anyone you chose.

What happens if I am in danger of hurting myself or others?

There are some circumstances which require your therapist to break confidentiality for reasons of safety and security, such as the imminent danger to self or others, reports of child abuse, audit by a professional regulatory body or in the case of subpoena.

You will be provided with a detailed confidentiality agreement when you book your first appointment and are free to discuss confidentiality issues with your therapist at any time.

Still Need Clarity?
Connect With Cogent Today.

As a clinic committed to clarity, we want to empower our clients with knowledge.

Please reach out to us if you have any questions and concerns before booking an appointment. We will do our best to ensure you have the information you need to make an informed decision.

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