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Tools and Resources

Whether you're looking for tools to up your game, educational content, homework sheets, or guidance on common concerns, we’re here to help empower you with knowledge.


Take the head Check

The Head Check is designed to help you gain insight into what Cogent services you may benefit from. By answering a series of simple questions, you can identify areas where you may need guidance or support.

Please note, this tool is not a diagnosis, but a helpful first step towards making informed decisions.

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Mind Over Manhood


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Get The Facts


Can I have my partner attend therapy with me?

Yes. With your consent, anyone can attend your sessions.

This is often very helpful for your therapist to better understand the context and impact of your concerns and progress.

Can therapy help me improve my relationships?

Yes, psychotherapy has been shown in multiple studies to be effective in increasing relationship satisfaction.

Do you offer any resources or self-help tools?

Your therapist may recommend any number of appropriate homework exercises, which could include online resources or books. Consult our Resources page for a number of our own tools.

View All Faq


Reference Guides

Apply what you've learned and continue your progress between sessions. Access a selection of clinical one-pagers, recommended reading lists, and technique explainer worksheets designed to support your personal growth.

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